Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 2 Update


       Charlotte is doing amazing today.  She did end up have the surgery to correct the omphalocele and the surgery went very well.  There was liver and maybe a little bit of bowel involved in the omphalocele.  The doctor found that the liver was stuck to the membrane, and when he was able to disconnect the liver from the membrane, the liver just dropped into place, easily.  What an incredible surprise and blessing!! 
       After her surgery, Charlotte came back to her room and has been sedated and on a ventilator since coming back (both of which are normal after surgery).   Yesterday, she had some difficulties peeing, which the caused the doctors to be a little concerned.  They upped her fluids to help stimulate her pee, and we just waited to see what happens.  The doctors did not seem super concerned about it, but they did want to make sure they got ahead of this situation.  They put in a catheter to monitor her urine output.  Last night, she had peed enough that they felt confident enough to remove the catheter. They also took her off the dopamine and excess fluid because she is doing so well.  She is so perfect, and we are just waiting, watching her meet and exceed expectations. Hopes are, that sometime this weekend, we might be able to actually hold her.  I cannot wait to hold my baby girl for the very first time!! 

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