Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Round Three

        Here we go, round three begins today.  Charlotte should start chemo at around 8 o'clock tonight.  This will be another three night stay because one of the chemo drugs she is receiving is given over three days. She has received all the chemo drugs at least once that she will receive throughout her 8 rounds so none of the chemo drugs that she is receiving tonight or on this stay is new.
  During these three weeks before round 3 started we have had to give Charlotte some more anti - nausea medicine due to a few times she hasn't wanted to finish bottles.  She has also had a few episodes that I do believe we her throwing up.  These are all normal and expected reactions to the chemo in her body.  While I would love for chemo to be as easy as it has been I know that it's only going to get harder on her sweet little body.  Charlotte is fighting and fighting hard but the chemo medicine is very strong and will possibly knock her down sometimes.  I know that no matter what this medicine does to her and how strong it is, we are stronger and tougher.  When Charlotte has hard days I will be there to hold her and do all I can to make the duress seem smaller.  If I could take on this whole treatment myself I would but I know that is not possible.
     Charlotte is still steadily gaining weight.  Charlotte weighed about 14.77 lbs shortly after starting chemo (on the 15th of May) and today she weighed 16.42 lbs.  It hasn't always been easy but she is taking 5 bottles a day all supplemented with a little bit of formula to help her gain weight.   Around the time she started chemo, on May 9th,] she was 67 cm and today at her clinic appiontment she is 69.5 cm.  All around she is still growing which is a good thing! She is definitely on the tiny side of things still.
    Charlotte wore her maroon today to cheer on her boys, I have not told her that while she napped the best boys lost today.  Our poor Aggies played hard this year and did well and Charlotte is very proud of them.


  1. Dear Brittany, My heart understands your willingness to take this away from your sweet baby. My heart also breaks for what she is enduring. She doesn't know what is going on, only that stuff is going on and that she is surrounded by people who love her, and are happy and loving. As an adult I can say that is the BEST thing. I pray for you and Chris. God bless you at this time in your marriage that most of us can not imagine. God's got this!

  2. God Bless little Charlotte. I will say some extra prayers over the next three days of her chemo that she stays healthy and happy during this round of her chemo. I have never met her but I feel like I know her and love her like my own grandchildren.

    Saint Alypius the Stylite is invoked against childhood illness. I will also pray for his intercession that little Charlotte is healed and that the family may somehow find peace during this very difficult time.
