Thursday, August 16, 2018

9 Month Scans

Charlotte is 9 months cancer free!! Those words are a huge triumph. I still can’t believe it!  It sometimes feels like another lifetime ago when she was diagnosed, yet sometimes it still feels as fresh as yesterday. 
Due to being cancer free, Charlotte was able to have only a CT scan this round, so no MIBG this time. Charlotte had her CT scan on August 3rd, and she did it all without any sedation. She was not a fan of the CT machine. I forgot to bring her pacifier with me, and she was not happy about it. They had her strapped down nice and tight. However, our little fighter with no surprise, wiggled her arm free to wave and try and hold on to me. She is ridiculous. I love her. 
Her next round of scans will be in November. This will be a year since her end of treatment scans. She will have a huge battery of tests during this round — another MIBG, CT, echo, hearing battery and lots of blood work. If all these tests come back negative, and the doctors like how Charlotte is doing, we will go to only CT scans and those scans will be every 6 months instead of every 3 months. This will be huge!

Just a reminder that September is Childhood Cancer awareness month.  Be prepared to see lots of post in support of more funding and awareness of Childhood Cancer :)

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