Thursday, June 9, 2016

34 Weeks

      We are so overwhelmed with emotions as it gets closer and closer to the day we meet baby girl.  Part of me is so excited for her to finally be here but the other part of me gets nervous because as long as she is in her little "home" right now she is safe and healthy.  As long as she is in her "home" I know where she is and I feel like I can protect her.

     There are not many update to report this week.  At my last MFM appointment my doctor and I discussed c - section dates.  It looks like, as long as things continue going well with her, she will be here on July 5th, 6th, or 7th.  We are definitely excited and are aware that will be here before we know it! The other piece of news we have is that we are going to see the Pediatric Surgeon tomorrow.  This is the doctor that will really give us the hypothetical "plan" for how things might happen after delivery.  This doctor will tell us when typically they would like to do surgery to repair the omphalocele and if they do it all in one surgery or in multiple surgeries.  The reason I call this her hypothetical plan is because this is will still be all contingent on how healthy she is when she is born.  Things like lung development, and other complications can change or derail any of these plans made tomorrow.  Christopher and I continue to stay positive and optimistic as we go into this huge planning day tomorrow however, we also continue to pray for our little girl because we know she is going to need all the love and help she can get as she gets bigger and gets ready to make her entrance into this world!

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