Friday, June 24, 2016

C - Section Date

    The c-section date is scheduled!! Baby girl will be here on July 6th at 7:30 am.  Now comes all my lists and stress trying to get everything I can control ready for when she gets here!

ONLY 12 MORE days until she is here!! I cannot wait and I am completely terrified at the same time!


  1. You are a strong and powerful woman. That only multiplies by the thousands the moment your baby is here and then multiplies with each day you are fighting along side her. I have no doubt that you can handle this and what seems too big - God holds for you. xoxox from Southern MD.

  2. I know you are terrified. But remember God made you strong.Your family and your husband will be a source of strength to pull from. Be bold and strong. Banish fear and doubt, for the Lord God is with you wherever you go. (Is.1.9)
