Friday, July 14, 2017

My Hero - A Guest Post by Katie Grothaus

For those of y’all who don’t know me, my name is Katie, and I am Brittany’s little sister (Charlotte’s aunt and Godmother).  I asked my sister if I could do a guest post on her blog, but I did not tell her what I was going to say.  I’m sure she was a little scared giving me permission to do this, but I’m really glad she did.  Here goes nothing...

I don't often scroll through my newsfeed on Facebook because I really don't have time, but the other day I opened the app, and one of the first posts I saw was a friend of mine complaining about one of the many struggles of motherhood. I kept scrolling and I saw person after person complaining about one thing or another.

This made me think of my sister. Not because she complains a lot...but because in the last year, life has dealt her and her family blows that would give her every right to complain, but she doesn't. 

In May, when she found out her 9 month old baby had cancer and would have to have surgery to remove the tumor, only to undergo 8 rounds of vigorous chemotherapy, lasting until October, she didn't complain.

When her daughter turned 10 months old in the hospital, she didn't complain.

When she couldn't invite any children to Charlotte's 1st birthday party because Charlotte can't get sick or get her vaccinations, she didn't complain.

Even though my sister can't run simple errands during the day, while her husband's at work, because she can't take Charlotte in public, for fear of exposing her to anything, she doesn't complain.

Even though my sister has to take Charlotte to the hospital at least once a week and watch them draw blood from her tearful baby, she still doesn't complain.

Even though she can't explain to her baby what's going on or why this is happening, she still does not complain. 

In everything she does, she praises God and starts every day with a thankful, loving heart. She puts on a brave face and does everything and anything to make her baby girl smile. She is one of the most beautiful, grateful, selfless people I know. She and her husband both have only grown stronger through this, and I am in awe of them both. 

I'm not saying this hasn't been difficult for her. I'm not saying she doesn't hurt every single time her baby girl feels any kind of pain. What I am saying is, the next time you or I feel the need to complain...we need to think about all that we have to be thankful for. We need to ask ourselves what we are doing to ease someone else's burden because that is what gives life meaning. I see it every day in the way my sister does everything in her power to make my niece the happiest girl in the world. 

My niece is a warrior for sure, but she most certainly gets it from her momma. My sister is my hero. 💛🎗


  1. Love this post Katie, Brittany you are a special spirit that Miss Charlotte chose to be her mother for her time on earth, because of all the love you have in your heart. May our father in heaven continue to pour out his blessings upon your sweet family. Always in our prayers!

  2. Katie & Brittany,
    I love this post so much!! And it is a wonderful reminder to give thanks for the things we do have, despite being conditioned by society to only denote the things we want or that we are lacking. Sweet Charlotte doesn't realize it just yet, but she was born into the absolute best family. The strength, resilience, and abundant faith constantly on display by the entire Grothaus family has never not inspired me. This lesson, of being thankful for what I have as opposed to complaining about what I have not, we impressed upon me the first morning my husband walked out our door to work dressed in his Police uniform. At times I find myself thinking "omg why can't he take this cup to the sink?" or "Is it really so hard to put the cap back on the toothpaste?!" but when I remember that in his line of work, there could come a day when he is gone too soon, and I won't have him around to leave the cap off the toothpaste, or leave his dishes right where he finishes eating or drinking, and I chide myself for complaining, when I could be praising the Lord that I have been blessed to be his wife.

    Brittany, watching you be strong for Charlotte is such a beautiful thing, and I am happy that you have chosen to share you journey with everyone. I hope that when I am a mother I can be half as strong as you.

    All my love to your family,
