Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Round Four

      Here we go, round 4! We are almost halfway through all of our treatments - YAY!!! We will be in the hospital for three days again for these treatments.  As I am typing this, Charlotte is hooked up to her fluids and we are about to start day one of her chemo meds.  Charlotte continues to gain weight and had a small growth spurt.  She is now 16 pounds 13 ounces and 28 and a half inches long.  
                Charlotte was very excited to wear her Charlotte Strong T-Shirt today! She wanted me to tell everyone else who is wearing their shirts thank you! She can feel all of y'alls love.  Charlotte has been doing really well with everything.  During the in between of her last round and today, however she is starting to have a few more symptoms related to chemo such as, a few more poopie diapers than normal which could be signs of her stomach being upset.  She has also had a couple of mouth sores, which so far, have not bothered her enough to stop her from eating or drinking. This would be the main concern with having mouth sores.  Through all of this, Charlotte has still remained her happy and playful self.  She is throwing blocks over her crib here at the hospital, going on walks through the hospital halls and talking up a storm.  She is so loud these days that we can hear her making her presence known down the hall way.  Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers.  It is very obvious that God is answering them!

"Cancer may have started the fight, But WE will finish it!"



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