Thursday, July 6, 2017

One Year Old

       Today is Charlotte's first birthday.  What an incredible year this has been.  We have been through so much in this past year it's hard to reflect on all of it.  It's incredible when I do take a moment to reflect and think about all she has been through.  Every day Charlotte teaches me something new about what it means to be strong and have grace.  She has taken each battle, both her omphalocele and now her cancer fight without even batting an eye.  Charlotte has taught me that strength doesn't just mean physical abilities but also strength of mind and heart.  Someone who is receiving cancer treatments and can get up and dance through the whole hour with a smile on her face is someone who is stronger than I can even imagine.  My little girl has taught me so much in this first year.  She has taught me about God's grace.  She has shown me that while God doesn't always take away our earthly afflictions, he finds way to help us or give us the strength to guide us through it.  What continues to guide Christopher and me through this journey is the knowledge that she does not understand what is going on and she will not remember this.  I will however make sure she remembers what a tough little girl she is and how strong she has been.  I think this will always be a good reminder for her when she has had days as a teenager, a reminder of the struggles of what she has already gone through.  
      Charlotte loves to dance, loves music and snuggles with just about anyone.  She has no stranger danger and loves to smile at everyone she meets.  Her laugh is one of the most incredible sounds I have ever heard.  She is still a little bit on the smaller size at still only 16 pounds but she is definitely mighty.  She is getting so close to walking, and just like that there will be no stopping this little girl.  
    On her birthday, I believe the greatest gifts we received were all of the many blessings and prayers from everyone who has been following Charlotte's story.  Christopher and I are overwhelmed with the out pouring of love and support from everyone.  Thank you again from our whole hearts.  On Tuesday, Charlotte will begin round four of chemo.  I am so blessed to be this little girl's mommy and I am so honored that God has chosen me to be her mommy.  

1 comment:

  1. you're an amazing mom and Charlotte is an amazing little girl. We pray for ya'll every night. :)
