Monday, July 31, 2017

Test Results

          We have received our test results.  Everything is looking good and showing improvement!! God is so good! Her CT scan showed interval improvement when comparing to previous exams which would show a positive treatment response.  On her primary site of the neuroblastoma, her adrenal gland, it is no has any measurable soft tissue mass.  This is wonderful news since this is where she had her surgery to remove the tumor and it is indicating that there has been no new or additional growth.  The metastasis spot on her left eye orbit (bone) is less noticeable than the previous CT scan.  The are no new osseous findings or tissue findings in the CT scan.  Also noted in her CT scan was that she has a calcified gall stone.  She also has an unusual configuration of her organs which is to be expected with her omphalocele.   Charlotte’s MIBG scan results also showed an improvement on her metastatic orbital lesion (eye), shrinking, which is consistent with a positive treatment response. 

            Charlotte’s biopsy results are back too.  Charlotte has no metastatic neuroblastoma cells in her bone marrow.  This is huge!! She no longer has any metastatic lesions in her bone marrow! We are so excited!! Charlotte also had an echo completed.  Chemo can be a little hard on the heart so it has been something her doctors want to continue to monitor.  Charlotte’s heart continues to look the same, which is great!  Charlotte still has a PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) which is a small hole in her heart.  She also has a left sided SVC.  Most people have a right-side SVC, Charlotte has one on both sides.  Lastly, Charlotte has a bicuspid aortic valve. 

            Now on to the bad news we received today, Charlotte’s counts did not make the cut to start round five today.  Charlotte’s neutrophil counts were in the 520 range and in order to start chemo they want her neutrophil counts to be in the 700 range. The neutrophils are part of her white blood cells We will now go back on Thursday to check her counts again and hopefully start round five then. 

“She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.”



  1. Good news!!! Such a brave little girl.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Continued prayers....Charlotte is soooooo strong, brave, and so very loved!!!! ❤️🙏❤️
