Thursday, August 24, 2017

Round 6

            Here we go.. round 6! Charlotte has made counts and we have been admitted for round 6.  This will hopefully be an uneventful stay.  We will only be in the hospital one night and will go home tomorrow.  We are so grateful for these one day stays because as wonderful as Cooks is, it is not always the most comfortable place to sleep for several nights – especially for Charlotte. 
            We are so grateful and blessed for all your prayers and thoughts as we go through this difficult time in our life.  Charlotte is such a beyond blessed little girl to have so many people who love and support her. 
            September is Childhood Cancer awareness month, so here is my early apology for all the posting I will be doing to help bring awareness to Childhood Cancer.  Childhood Cancers receive only 4% of funding from the government.  4 FREAKING PRECENT!!  Thank goodness for all the donations and charities that help support Childhood Cancer research.  We need more support and research money to continue to develop and research cancer treatments until we find a CURE!!! There are some really good foundations like Cooks and the St. Baldrick’s foundation. (We are taking the little bit of money left over from the Charlotte Strong shirts and donating to both of these organizations, because Cooks gives Charlotte the treatment, and The St. Baldrick’s foundation is where Charlotte’s tumors have been sent so she can be a part of a research study).  I have seen so many babies give their lives to fighting this ugly disease.  We need to find a cure now!

“If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them.  When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope?  We have two options, medically and emotionally; give up, or fight like hell.” – Lance Armstrong


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