Friday, August 4, 2017

Round 5

            Charlotte made counts!! They actually more than doubled from the 550 on Monday to over 1600 on Thursday.  We have been admitted and began round 5 yesterday.  Last night, she received two chemo drugs.  She will receive one today and one tomorrow. Charlotte had a rough night last night.  Her chemo went really late which meant that she was awakened often during her early sleeping stages.  At around 1:00 am, Charlotte was awake and not happy. She was only able to fall asleep in our arms.  After several hours, we were able to get her some anti-nausea medicine and that finally helped her to fall asleep in her hospital bed. Today so far has been fairly uneventful.  Charlotte has enjoyed walking around the unit and had a sweet visit from Lulu (one of the service dogs), and her friend Kizzy.  We should be starting day 2 of chemo sometime later tonight and go home tomorrow after day three of chemo. 

            Thank you so much for all your prayers.  We can really feel the love and blessings that are being laid upon us.  We are so blessed to have all of y’all in our lives.  Charlotte is one blessed little girl.

“Life isn’t about waiting for storm to pass.  It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivan Greene



Charlotte giving Lulu kisses                          Charlotte and Lulu

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