Monday, August 7, 2017

Bustin' Outta Here

            We are home safely after an uneventful round five.  GOD IS SO GOOD!! We came home late Saturday evening.  Charlotte was very strong during our stay.  Her second night was much better.  She only woke up once around 4 am after her diaper change.  I was able to feed her, after I took away a baby wipe she was trying to eat, and she laid back down and was on her way to go back to sleep.  The sweet nurses needed to come back in for something else and that got Charlotte back up again.  She was very excited when she found Christopher sleeping on the cot and kept pointing at him saying Dada.  It was really cute but also time for her to go back to sleep.  She did finally go back to sleep and so did I.  On her last day at the hospital, Charlotte met more wonderful friends on the floor and played a lot with the nurses.  She really loves all the nurses on the H/O floor and has fun walking around the unit.  She also knows where the play room is and loves walking there to see all the animals painted on the window and play with all of the toys.  Charlotte’s diaper rash is much better and remained better during this stay.
            The longer we are going down this new path that has been given to us the more thankful I am to God for putting us where we are today.  I am so grateful for the amazing doctors and nurses who love and care for Charlotte.  I am so grateful for the wonderful people I have met through Cook’s.  The fellow moms and dads going through this horrible situation are so strong and incredible and give me so much strength.  I am so sad the circumstances in which I have met these incredible people, but I am so glad I have met them.  Finally, I am so thankful to live so close to family now.  They have continued to be our life lines while in the hospital.  We cannot say enough to our families on how much it means to have them here ever three weeks helping us.  Please continue to pray for Charlotte as she continues through this journey.  Please pray for all the other families on the H/O unit.  So many of these families are going through struggles even we will never know.  These babies at the H/O unit are a lot stronger than we have ever been. These sweet kids need our prayers and love as they fight the biggest battle on their lives.  Please keep them in your prayers.  Thank you so much for all of y’alls prayers.  We are so blessed. 

 Brittany, Christopher and Charlotte

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”




  1. Be bold and strong, banish fear and doubt, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 TLB
    Remember you are all so loved.

  2. Thank you so much for your prayer! Love you!
