Monday, August 28, 2017

We Are Safe

           We have made it home!! We had a very uneventful short stay in the hospital.  Thankfully,  Charlotte did amazingly well, and only stayed one night. While there Charlotte really enjoyed running around the floor saying hi to all her nurses, and making some very sweet friends.    We have been home since Friday early afternoon, just in time to watch all the scary coverage on Hurricane Harvey.  My little Wonder woman still continues to be the happiest little girl I have ever seen. 
            Thank you again for all the prayers and love.  We are now going to ask for more prayers, but not for us.  We want y’all to pray for those families who have little babies that couldn’t get out of Corpus or Rockport.  Pray for those critically ill babies who did get out of Driscoll Hospital, and are now in the NICU at Cook Children’s.  Pray for all those people who have lost everything they own in the last 24 hours.  We are home, and healthy right now.  The ones that need the prayers are our families and friends in Houston and the surrounding areas that are watching everything they own float away in rising waters. Houston will always be my home, the place I was born and raised.  It breaks my heart to see my home so broken and destroyed.  I pray for all of those that are still having to be rescued and who have lost everything.  What heals my heart is the continual coverage on facebook of those every day heroes helping strangers and neighbors.  I fine solace in knowing that when the worst happens my hometown shows their true colors helping one another no matter their race, background or religion. 

“Believe in miracles.  I have so many.  They came when every indication would say that Hope was lost.  Hope is never lost!” – Jeffery R. Holland


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