Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chemo Round 2


       We have just completed round two of our chemo journey.  During round two she received three different chemo drugs.  Only one of them is one that she has received before.  She received one for an hour, another for the next hour and then the last transfusion for 15 minutes.  This round of chemo is only a one night stay in the hospital.  Jax will be very happy to have us back at home so quickly this time.   They started with her pre-meds, which is just medicine to help prevent nausea.   Charlotte has been napping but not restfully.  She has been amazing with this round of chemo so far, and has been pretty happy and is eating well.  She has enjoyed many trips around the Oncology/Hematology wing here at Cooks,  and the nurses all love Charlotte.  Right now she is receiving her fluids and as long as she is still eating and drinking after about another hour, she will be able to be disconnected already!!  That is such happy news because Charlotte likes to think her IV is a play thing/chew toy.
        I think Charlotte is starting to remember what is happening, and she is not happy about it.  These are the moments as a mom I wish I could make all go away.   I wish it was me in that bed and not her having to go through this.  I just pray that one day when we explain everything that she has been through,  that she understands what an incredible warrior she is.   Today she is wearing her team Ruby shirt.  Ruby is the young daughter of one of my friends, who has gone through cancer and was a complete warrior!! Today Charlotte is wearing her Ruby shirt in the hopes that it gives her a little bit of Ruby's strength to get through this round two. 
      Please pray for Charlotte's doctors and nurses that they have swift and healing hands during this process.  Please pray that the chemo works quickly with very little side effects.  Please pray that Charlotte has a restful night despite the chemo infusions.  Please pray that her parents continue to stay strong and healthy during this process so that we can provide Charlotte as much normalcy as possible.
God is good.

"Tough times don't last, tough people do."


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