Thursday, May 25, 2017

Latest Update

       We met with the oncology nurses on Monday and Charlotte is doing amazingly.  She is rocking this first round of chemo like we knew she would!!  At all of her clinic appointments, her blood counts have looked really good.  Charlotte also recently went to see her surgeon for a follow up appointment and she is healing very well.  Her surgeon said that hopefully the next time he sees her would be to remove the mediport.  Charlotte is still eating well and taking more of her bottles each day.  We are still giving her more bottles than normal to provide her milk and some formula to give her extra calories to help promote her weight gain. 
       At one of Charlotte's recent clinic appointments we received back the results of her bone marrow biopsy.  Charlotte has a small metastatic neuroblastoma tumor present in the marrow.  This does not change the course of treatment for Charlotte.  She will remain in the intermediate protocol for her treatment.  The one way that this does change things is that she will have another bone marrow biopsy.  The doctors and nurses have said that she will have this bone marrow biopsy after they believe that she is done with chemo, after round 8, to make sure that the marrow is clear of any metastatic cells.  
      This week we only had to go to clinic on Monday because Charlotte's counts are so awesome!  So now we are enjoying the time at home and relaxing.  Charlotte will begin round two on Tuesday the 30th.  This will be a one night stay over in the hospital.  Charlotte will receive three different chemo medicines on the 30th and will be able to go home on the 31st.  We are so blessed that you continue to keep Charlotte in your prayers.  They have been truly working.  We will continue to need your prayers as her chemo treatments proceed, so that they continue to work on killing those lesions in her eye orbit.  God is good.

"God is within her, she will not fall" - Psalm 46:5
