Thursday, May 18, 2017

Good News

        Charlotte has been very happy to be back home in her own bed and back with her big brother.  My first Mother's Day with my sweet baby girl in my arms was amazing.  I am so blessed that God choose me to be this little girls mommy.  She is truly a gift from him.  
      These last couple of days have been really good and we have been getting use to our new normal.  Most things have not changed except for our trips to see her oncology doctors and limiting or trips outside our home.  Charlotte has been a trooper at all the doctor visits we have gone to.  She gets weighed, measured, temperature taken, blood pressure taken, and then she gets a heel prick (her least favorite of them all!!).  The heel prick is so that they can check her blood counts.  On her most recent visit her counts were really good.  Her white blood cells counts, red blood cells and platelets are the blood counts they are looking at.  If hers were ever to dip low they would be able to access her medport and give her a transfusion of what she needs.  Thankfully Charlotte's counts have been really good and has not had to have a transfusion yet.  Charlotte continues to impress everyone on how well she is doing.  
        Today we got a lot of incredible news.  The first piece of news we received is that Charlotte has gained weight.  She is now 16lbs 3oz which is over a pound gain.  We are so proud that even though she isn't eating quite as much as before she is still gaining weight.  The other piece of great news we received today is that Charlotte's N-Myc gene is NOT amplified! This news brought tears to my eyes in the doctor's office (Christopher proudly pointed out that it had been about a week since I've cried).  This news means that we will remain in the intermediate protocol and only receive chemo!! God is so incredibly good!! What we know now is that Charlotte will receive 8 rounds of chemo.  Charlotte has already received one round of chemo, so she will only get seven more rounds.  Some will still be three days long like her first round and some rounds will only be one day (which means one night in the hospital).  
     God is so good and we are so blessed to have our prayers answered.  We now have a plan and can look to the future and what it holds for us.  I know that not every week isn't going to go smoothly like it has been but I know I can trust in the power of prayer and in God that he has Charlotte in His hands and that we will conquer this mountain together as a family.  

"You don't have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt.  You have an obligation to play the hell out of the ones you're holding" - Cheryl Strayed


      Our first Mother's Day together



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