Friday, May 5, 2017

Surgery Complete

Surgery is Complete

        This morning began Charlotte's treatment.  She started IV fluids last night and had those given to her through this morning.  I was able to nurse Charlotte until 6 am which was nice to help get some extra snuggles in while I could.  At about 2:00 today Charlotte went in for her surgery.  The doctors were able completely remove the tumor along with the adrenal gland.  The medport was successfully inserted on right side of her body.  This is where they will be administering the chemo medicine.  The pathologist was there and they were able to confirm that the mass is a neuroblastoma, which does mean cancer.  The following chemo treatments will be for precaution due to the cells found in her eye.  Currently the doctor thinks that this chemo treatment will be the enough to treat the cells found in the eye and that she will not require any additional surgery in her eye socket.   The oncology doctor was able to successfully extract a bone marrow sample that will allow us to rule out any additional growth of the neuroblastoma into her bones.  Our next steps now are to wait.  We are waiting on information on the N-Myc protein that will tell us how aggressive the neuroblastoma is and will give us more information on further treatment (looking for N-Myc amplification).  Currently Charlotte's oncologist believes that from the looks of things, her neuroblastoma is an intermediate risk and will be using the intermediate protocol for her chemo treatment.  However, if her N-Myc comes back with amplification they would do something different.   We will not know about this protein until probably a week or so from now.  Charlotte however, will start chemo sometime next week, probably mid week.  Charlotte is currently back with us and resting.  She has been able to have some breast milk which is awesome!! This means that they didn't have to do much manipulating of the intestines and allows for our very hungry little girl to get some milk into her body.  Now it's a matter of letting her heal and getting test results back.