Friday, May 12, 2017

We are Home!

      What a wonderful gift from God, we have been able to make it home.  After just over a week in the hospital we are home.   Charlotte completed three days of chemo and was a superhero throughout it all.  The first of chemo was the only challenging night.  Charlotte has slept relatively well considering all of the things going on.  She has become more active and playful as each day has continued.  She is also improving her food intake.  We were sent home with extensive directions on social isolation, limiting visitors, and especially screening people on if they are sick before they come over for a visit.  We would love to see everyone and celebrate Charlotte completing round one but we have to be increasingly careful as the chemo works and her immune system weakens.
     Charlotte will continue to see doctors twice a week for now in what is called clinic. There they will check her blood counts to make sure that she doesn't need a blood transfusion.  This is also where we will find out if Charlotte's N-Myc gene is amplified, but probably not until next week or the week after.  Once we will find out if the gene is amplified or not that will determine if we are maintain the intermediate protocol (if the gene is not amplified) or if we go to the high risk protocol (which will be a lot more treatments and a lot more challenging on little Charlotte).
       We are happy to be home and starting what will be our new normal.  We will be going back to the hospital for another stay around the 30th of May.  This will be another three day stay where Charlotte will receive three days of chemo again.  The doctors will continue to monitor Charlotte's weight since that is still a concern from a low weight gain baby going through a treatment that can affect her eating behaviors.  Charlotte is not eating whole bottles like she was before however she continue to improve her intake each day.  We are so blessed that Charlotte was able to come home after only one week and a day of a hospital stay and treatment.  We continue to stay positive and trust in God's healing hands that he has this, and we just need to lay our worries at his feet and lean on him when we need extra grace.


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